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Marquardt’s research aims to define relationship between cattle handler skill level, safety

Marquardt’s research aims to define relationship between cattle handler skill level, safety

Lincoln graduate student Morgan Marquardt is researching how to define cattle handler skill level and evaluate whether there is a relationship between handler skill level and handler safety.

MSF partners with Montana Cattle Breed Associations for cattle drive program

MSF partners with Montana Cattle Breed Associations for cattle drive program

Montana Stockgrowers Foundation’s Cattle Drive Program is upping the “steaks” by partnering with Montana breed associations to provide incentives for the quality cattle genetics raised by Montana producers.

New discovery: Fusobacterium varium in liver abscesses of beef cattle

New discovery: Fusobacterium varium in liver abscesses of beef cattle

In a special issue of Applied Animal Science, researchers report on the first isolation of Fusobacterium varium in beef cattle liver abscesses.

Research says high energy fire influences prescribed burn effectiveness

Research says high energy fire influences prescribed burn effectiveness

Fighting woody plant encroachment with prescribed burns may be more effective than land managers previously thought.

Beef market outlook: What’s ahead?

Beef market outlook: What’s ahead?

Live Stream Thursday, June 27 at 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET - Trey Freeman, livestock market advisor for Ever.Ag, joins us with a beef market outlook.

Farm Progress America, June 20, 2024

Farm Progress America, June 20, 2024

Mike Pearson takes a look at a strategic new partnership has formed between the oil and ethanol producers to put more biofuels in gas tanks.

Grasslands Partnership invites southern Indiana producers to participate in farm-based project

Grasslands Partnership invites southern Indiana producers to participate in farm-based project

The Grasslands Partnership invites forage-based livestock producers to become partners in a demonstration/research effort that will assist in the implementation of grasslands management practices.

Study reveals that market-ready beef cattle maintain meat quality on low-input diets for as long as 60 days

Study reveals that market-ready beef cattle maintain meat quality on low-input diets for as long as 60 days

Market-ready beef cattle in the study maintained quality indicators 60 days after transitioning to less-expensive, low-input maintenance diets.

McCaskill’s research aims to reduce pinkeye impact in cattle

McCaskill’s research aims to reduce pinkeye impact in cattle

University of Nebraska-Lincoln student Marcus McCaskill wants to make pinkeye in cattle a thing of the past.

The relative value of bred cows

The relative value of bred cows

When herd expansion begins, replacement heifers and bred cows will become increasingly valuable.