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The safety net

The safety net

The key to success is spotting the opportunity in cattle marketing.

NCBA commends House Agriculture Committee for passing Farm Bill

NCBA commends House Agriculture Committee for passing Farm Bill

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association thanked the House Agriculture Committee for passing the next Farm Bill.

Farm Progress America, May 24, 2024

Farm Progress America, May 24, 2024

Mike Pearson takes a look at poultry trade and restrictions on America from across the globe.

Best practices in nutrition for swine and cattle

Best practices in nutrition for swine and cattle

LIVE STREAM Thursday, May 30 at 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET - Michael Ray of Granite Creek Capital Partners joins us with insight on best practices related to swine and cattle nutrition.

Time to check livestock’s trace mineral levels

Time to check livestock’s trace mineral levels

Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory expert explains the importance of assessing livestock minerals.

FTAs critical in creating global opportunities for U.S. red meat

FTAs critical in creating global opportunities for U.S. red meat

RAPP places a specific emphasis on Africa, which is projected to hold 25% of the world’s population by 2050.

Texas A&M system steps up to stabilize Texas energy grid

Texas A&M system steps up to stabilize Texas energy grid

The Texas A&M University System took its first steps toward creating a peaker power network.

Breaking new ground, Clint Rusk heads up NRM Ranch Management Program

Breaking new ground, Clint Rusk heads up NRM Ranch Management Program

Clint Rusk has been named Executive Director of Texas Tech University's newly launched Ranch Management Program.

Post-storm strategies for feedlot cattle producers

Post-storm strategies for feedlot cattle producers

Suggested strategies for dealing with wet and muddy conditions.

Slaughter cow price may have peaked

Slaughter cow price may have peaked

Slaughter cattle in most any condition are bringing a high price due to the need for lean grinding beef.