Vytelle, Blocktrust Network collaborating to promote feeder cattle growth, efficiency

Source: Farm Progress. The original article is posted here.

Vytelle, Blocktrust Network collaborating to promote feeder cattle growth, efficiency
Vytelle, the fastest growing, independent IVF company and curator of the world’s largest feed efficiency database, is pleased to announce a strategic collaboration with Blocktrust Network, an innovative, API driven platform to enhance transparency and efficiency in the beef supply chain. The collaboration marks the first of its kind aimed to leverage their respective strengths targeting the feeder cattle market.

Leveraging the power of the Vytelle’s industry leadership in characterizing feed efficient genetics, Vytelle will develop tools to characterize differences in feed efficiency among groups of feeder cattle via the Blocktrust Network’s permissioned blockchain. This information will provide buyers unique insights on the value of cattle, shining a spotlight on the premium value of calves sired by bulls from breeding programs that are driving genetic improvement in feed efficiency, a critical driver of profitability and sustainability in cattle feeding.

“We are thrilled to embark on this groundbreaking collaboration with Blocktrust,” said Kerryann Kocher, chief executive officer of Vytelle. “Vytelle has a long history of capturing individual standardized phenotypic feed intake and growth data with our network of progressive seedstock producers globally.”

The collaboration, the company said, is a step forward in building markets that acknowledge the value of premium genetics for its seedstock customers by increasing the demand for their progeny.

“Blockchain technology has proven to be a transformative force across various industries and Blocktrust Network is thrilled to bring a new level of transparency to the beef supply chain,” said Gregg Barfield, CEO of Blocktrust Network. “The opportunity to classify cattle individually based on their genetics and performance through harvest will unlock markets and value for smaller producers to participate in quality-driven sustainable supply chains.”

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