Food Waste to Animal Feed – A Virtual International Conference

Source: Farm Progress. The original article is posted here.

Food Waste to Animal Feed – A Virtual International Conference
The University of Minnesota, University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University and Feedstuffs are collaborating on a virtual conference related to the upcycling of food waste into animal feed. The goal is that of communicating and educating those in the feed and feeding industries globally about the value of food waste for livestock in the backdrop of food, climate, and sustainability challenges.
With various discussions of regulations underway in the U.S. and elsewhere, this global conference will provide an excellent opportunity to explore ideas and exchange thinking around the issue of food waste and workable solutions.

The conference will be held March 26, 27 and 28. The focus will be largely that of food waste streams suitable to make animal feed, for example, food waste sources of steady and large quantities, with consistent and stable nutritional feeding values. "Case study" examples that provide insight into various business models will be included each day of the conference.

Attendee registration for this free event is recommended.

The conference will run approximately three hours over the three consecutive weekdays, starting at 7 am (Central) each day to allow for global participation and discussion of various aspects of the food waste topic. The format will be 15-minute presentations on the current knowledge and challenges related to food waste for animal feeding, as well as 15-minute case study presentations.

Hosts for the conference will be Dr. Jerry Shurson, Professor, Department of Animal Science, University of Minnesota, and Dr. Zhengxia Dou, Professor of Agricultural Systems, University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine.

Speakers include global and regional experts on various topics. Day One will be focused on the opportunities that exist, Day Two on the challenges and Day Three on the solutions.
Conference sponsors include the North American Renderers Association, World Wildlife Fund, International Ingredients Corp., American Feed Industry Association and the US Grains Council. This conference is also supported by a USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant.

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