Farm Progress America, November 6, 2023

Source: Farm Progress. The original article is posted here.

Farm Progress America, November 6, 2023

Mike Pearson examines the outbreaks of avian influenza so far this fall in the United States.

Over the last four years, poultry processors have faced a severe threat.

The consequences have been devastating with millions of birds being culled and causing high prices for meat and eggs.

Through April 2023, 58 million birds have been culled and the outbreaks the last few weeks have added an additional one and half million birds to the culling.

Over one million of the birds culled in the last six weeks have came from turkey farms in Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota, Utah and California.

Iowa Turkey Federation says the outbreak will likely not impact the whole birds consumers use for Thanksgiving.

Most of the turkey production in Iowa is for the deli turkey segment.

However, one of the outbreaks last week was confirmed on a game ranch in Alabama. It's led to the culling of 300,000 game birds there.

In response, the poultry industry has doubled down on biosecurity measures with strict protocols and investments in technology.

However, the problem is global with wild birds carrying the virus.

In Antarctic, the virus was found on an island there for the first time ever.

Farm Progress America is a daily look at key issues in agriculture. It is produced and presented by Mike Pearson, farm broadcaster and host of This Week in Agribusiness .

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