Farm Progress America, April 18, 2024

Source: Farm Progress. The original article is posted here.

Farm Progress America, April 18, 2024

Mike Pearson tells listeners how the Mid Year Cattle report, the Cotton Objective Yield Report and the county level crop and livestock production reports are no longer published by the USDA.

The announcement came last week.

USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer, says the agency is facing a funding shortfall, He says NASS was trying to find a way not to cut reports but there is only so much to cut before it's necessary to cut reports.

Cattle organizations responded quickly noting this year the size of the herd is vitally important due to the herd size. This year's cattle herd is one of the smallest since the 1950's.

The NCBA called the decision to discontinue the Mid Year Cattle Inventory Report, "misguided."

Ethan Lane, vice President of Government Affairs for NCBA, says it's disingenuous for the same organization which touts it's commitment to transparency and the livestock markets to arbitrarily cease the production of the report which provides just that.

The NCBA calls on NASS to reverse the decision and deliver on their mission.

The Mid Year Inventory release on July 1 typically provided the first look at the current year's calf crop. So the market will be looking for new ways to determine the information later this summer.

Also announced was the end of the Objective Yield Report for Cotton Market which tracked expected cotton yields through the growing season across seven states.

The Agency also said they will stop providing county level estimates for crop and livestock production this year.

The Risk Management Agency utilizes most of their own data for crop insurance so this data was less important it used to be.

Farm Progress America is a daily look at key issues in agriculture. It is produced and presented by Mike Pearson, farm broadcaster and host of This Week in Agribusiness .

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