Discovery of screwworms in Mexico impacting cattle trade

Source: Farm Progress. The original article is posted here.

Discovery of screwworms in Mexico impacting cattle trade

Clint Peck is a fourth-generation Montanan born on a small farm east of Billings and raised in the Yellowstone Valley. During college at Montana State University he worked as a cow hand and dabbled in cows of his own, eventually starting a small cow herd in which he specialized in raising replacements and selling first-calf heifers with calves at their side.

After graduating from Montana State University in 1978 with a degree in agricultural production Peck went to work as foreman on a cattle ranch in west-central Montana. He later served a stint as an Extension agricultural agent in Montana’s Judith Basin County.

His journalism career began in 1987 as editor of the Montana Farmer-Stockman magazine. He later founded and edited the Western Beef Producer magazine.

Peck joined BEEF Magazine in 2000 as senior editor, focusing on competition in the international marketplace.

In 2005 Peck also taught a class in Global Beef Systems and a Beef Production Practicum for incoming animal science students in the Montana State University Animal & Range Sciences Department. He was appointed director of Montana’s Beef Quality Assurance program in 2006.

Peck retired from the beef business in 2010, and now in 2024, after a 14-year hiatus, he's back with BEEF as a contributor.

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